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The Origins of Our Name


The founder's name is Alan Witney-Price. The company name stems from the new family name which was chosen after many years of to-ing and fro-ing on the subject between Alan and his partner James. In old English 'Witney', chosen by Alan, means ‘Gift from God’ which is how he views James and their 3 children. The name 'Price' was chosen by James and you will need to ask him why!


Our Mission

Our objective, typically, is to identify acquisitions into markets and sectors that do not find it easy to secure investment. This may be because of a market's size or its underlying risk profile. We do, however, consider other investments in the right circumstances so reach out with your thoughts.

At Witney Price, we have the mindset to support the communities around the businesses we acquire. Genuine social responsibility is not always about large donations or multimillion-pound endeavors. Often, smaller localised support can bring significant benefits to the communities around us and we seek to engage with these less obvious and more impactful opportunities where we can.

Our Values

At Witney Price, we believe that yesterday's values of openness, honesty, and courtesy still have a place in both the modern world and modern business relationships. We are not so naive as to ignore the reality that individuals and businesses must consider commercial viability and protect themselves; we simply do not wish to conduct business with those that sacrifice the value and benefits of a relationship for a 'quick buck'.

Our Personality

Our personality is the foundation of who we are and why we do what we do.  Our personality reflects our culture as a business, the values we hold dear, and our promise to those we do business with. Fairness, while an old-fashioned concept, is important. At Witney Price, we believe that fairness in our dealings must be at the core of everything we do. “That we could get away with something does not mean that we should take advantage of it.” 

We will never be afraid to take a stand. Not everyone will agree with everything we say and we respect that. We simply state our position and back it up with facts. We are punctilious in our approach and acknowledge hard truths without fear or favor. However, we always seek solutions and reasonable compromises to the challenges we encounter. Above all, we acknowledge that continual improvement is the cornerstone of business success. When learning opportunities occur, we acknowledge them, learn from them, and improve our business as a result of them.

Our most important characteristic is "Always Forwards and Never Back". In business, as in life, there will inevitably be times when a relationship can become strained. Our Founder lives by the philosophy “Once more with feeling” which permeates through our entire business. At Witney Price, we believe that every relationship, both personal and business, can be perpetual if there is a joint will to make it so. Indeed, those relationships tested by fire are often the strongest of all!

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Yesterdays Values, Tomorrows Solutions

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